Anyrefundsofmerchandise andrelated reimbursementare governedby Italian law onmail order.Where the customerhas purchased a productnot conformingtohisexpectations,has 10daysfrom the dateof delivery of goods,to exercisethe "rightof withdrawal",or the ability toreturn the productby communicatinghisintention by registeredreturn receipt requested.We will acceptthe returnof any item, providedintactin its original packing, by reimbursing thefull amountexcludingshipping costs thatare borne bythe customer (asprovidedby applicable law).
Inthe event thatthe goodsreceived do not conformto the order, thecustomermust notify Centro Edile Lombardelli srl no later than2 daysfollowingthe datethe order was received.A copyof the invoice mustbeattachedto the complaintof thecustomer.
No claimwillbeacceptediftheaboveconditionshave not been observed.
The rightof withdrawal appliesonly to consumers."Theconsumer isthe personwho is actingforpurposes unrelated to theirbusinessor profession"(art.1469 bis).In essence,companies andprofessionals witha VATcan not claimthe rightof withdrawal forpurchases madein that capacity.